I never understood the saying “The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised.” (Job 1:21). Yes praise the lord because you are in a battle with the devil but do not think for once that God has taking your gifts away.
But what if you have suffered loss? The temptation may be to blame God for your loss, as if God had a change of heart. But God is not fickle. He does not change like shifting shadows. He is an extraordinary giver who never takes back his gifts. A girlfriend of mys' told me a story of her trial and tribulation to keep a job when the devil was trying to take her joy and her blessing that God had for her. Her testimony humbles me and also help me to realize that I often blame God for my lost and sorrows when instead asking him to form a shield around me and putting my faith in him because it was obvious that I was under attack by the devil not to receive the gifts he had in store for me.
There a saying in the bible that “God’s gifts and God’s call are under full warranty – never canceled, never rescinded.” (Rms 11:29, MSG)
So if God is doing the giving, who is doing the taking? Again, God provided the answer through Jesus:
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (Joh 10:10)
Meaning we ought not to be confused about these two different roles. One is a giver, the other is a taker. If you have been given something good, then give thanks to God. But if you’ve been robbed, do not blame God. He is not behind your loss.
So I have to remind myself and others should as well that God did not kill your love ones. He did not steal your livelihood and make you sick. You’ve been robbed! The devil is having a go at you. Do not sit there in the ashes and cry about it, get up and fight! Are you a warrior or a weakling? Are you a victor or a victim?”
If you think that God gives and takes away, then you have more faith in karma than grace I know I once did. Karma says what goes around comes around. If you are healthy now, you will likely be sick tomorrow. If you are prospering now, poverty’s waiting just around the next corner. When disappointments and hardships come, you will not be surprised. You will just throw in the towel and say, “I knew it was too good to last.” That is why I can only be around positive thinkers and fighters and not debbie downers and depress people because they have gave up on the battle of fighting the war. Like my husband states nothing good comes easy…you might have to fight for what you have. So here is to team fighter and congrats to my friends for not allowing the devil to steal her joy by fighting and keeping her faith.
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